Wednesday, November 15, 2017

South to North tour: Day 17 Whangarei to Auckland

By the numbers
15,692 steps
1 bus

The weather wasn’t looking too bad once I had gotten up even though it was a little cool in the morning. I was really only waiting for the bus while I was at Granny and Claude’s. I had coffee and breaky while making sure I had everything that needed to be packed stowed away in my bags and that I was sorted out before we left for the bus. I said my goodbyes and then headed for the bus as I was now heading to Auckland.

The bus seemed to be around 10 mins late, but I was on it and happy to have a seat up the back as the front seats were actually full of people coming from the Bay of Islands. I was wondering if we would get rain and part way down to Auckland there was a short shower, which I had hoped that would not last. The bus was the usual trip going past some areas that I had not been to before. I was listening to music while I was looking out. Once we got into Auckland I wanted to try a different way to the hostel to see if it was either longer or a shorter walk. I was going to take the pink path that takes me from around Hobson street to Lower Upper Queen street not far from where I am meant to be. It turned out to be a little tougher than I thought as I had gotten lost thinking I had gone the wrong way, but checked anyway. I had been going in the right direction and then got lost on the other end as I couldn’t quite remember which direction to go. I headed in the direction, I thought and found I had been correct and was walking past the cemetery so I knew I was in the right place.

Once I arrived in the hosted I found I was on the second floor, which is easy to come and go. People were already in my room so I was on the top bunk, which never bothered me at all. I can sleep there and sort myself out while I am in town trying not to disturb anyone too badly. One of the guys happened to have gotten to NZ today so had not seen very much. My plan was to head down to Britomart to catch a train to Panmure where I was looking for a family member’s grave. I thought it would be good to go for a brisk walk from one end of town down to the water even though it was still a fair hike. On the way I stopped at the Christmas display window one of the shops always has and this year it is ‘A Pirate’s Christmas.’ I will have to record the display as it would be pretty fun to see it all and my nephew can see it too.

I walked down one side of the street to find that the front of Britomart was shut so I had to enter from one of the sides. They are building new train lines so the closures will be going on for a little bit. I was not bothered and once I walked in I realised I only had 2 mins to get onto the train I was after even though i did not twig at first. I had heaps of time to board the train and then wait for my stop. The train was actually pretty full as it was after 4pm and people were leaving the city. I hopped off several stations later in Panmure where I headed to the small catholic cemetery looking for Ellen Dudson. I took the wrong street at the roundabout on the far end of town where the stone house it located. I needed the second street, not the first one. I was actually at the St Andrew’s Catholic church looking for one of the sisters of the sacred heart. I walked the small cemetery searching for the one I was after. It did feel like on several occasions that I was being followed, even though not one was there. I walked past a section 3 times before realising I had found the right person. The dates were right and I had clues. I knew I had the correct Dudson as the name Sylvia had been used. I knew this from a probate I had read and her death certificate listed her natural name, which was Eileen. If I had not known the Sylvia part then I would have kept on looking. She had died in her 80s in 1984 and had been a teacher. After my find I headed toward the stone house, which was something to do with the fencibles the retiree pensioner armed forces who were sent to NZ as protection within several areas like Howick and Otahuhu.

I was slowly running out of time in the day, although I wanted to make sure I had enough daylight to get back into the city by train. Turns out there will be work done on that part of the line over the weekend, not that I need that line at all. I headed back as I knew I needed a shower and to sort out my stuff for the next day due to me going to the Archives. That was the plan so far and see how the rest of the day ends up. I tried swiping my room key instead of the transport pass on the bus that took me back up to the upper part of Queen Street as I wasn’t wanting to walk all that way up hill if I did not have to. I think I made my day a little productive to fill the time with something I needed to do.

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