Saturday, June 29, 2024

Singapore Sling Tour: Day 6 Gardens by the bay


By the numbers

22,958 steps

17.96 kms

The strange thing is I am with someone who has a similar phone and they have recorded less steps with their phone than myself. Yet we do just about the same amount. Could be the position of the phone, though Google thinks my bike is a car and then a push bike so there is that too.

The weather was looking kinda wet, but it was just cloudy and I was hoping to get elsewhere before it decided that it wanted to rain. We were up early enough and when we did leave, we were down at the shops for breakfast before heading into the city. The plan for the day was to visit Gardens by the bay as there were several things to see there that might be worth going. We got part wayu to the train station and the heavens decided to open up, luckily we were under cover near the two local hospitals. We had to cross the road and then following the cover, we actually found another entrance to the train station that cut a whole lot from our walk plus it kept us dry. We got out at a station near Marina Bay sands, but I found later there was actually one close to Gardens by the Bay right underneath Marina Sands hotel. We walked around the outside and then went up to the top to cross the road and head towards where the gardens were. I stopped to take photos and could see the rain coming and mum decided to keep on walking. I got under cover right as it started raining and I was wondering where mum was. She came rushing back in the pouring rain as I just laughed. It became a heavier tropical downpour as we both waited. Turns out if she had gone down the escalators down the far end of the path where she was, then she would have been under cover.


Luckily the rain had eased off and we were back to wandering with mum pointing out that we could do something else due to more rain. I pointed out where we were going was actually under cover. We ended up at the information centre where we got tickets for the Flower Dome and Cloud Forest. The Super tree observatory was actually closed due to storm activity. The first place we wandered into was the Flower Dome and it had plants from all over the world from a certain climate and where it was constantly spring. It was pretty much crowded inside and we wandered looking at the flowers and the one part that was going to end after Sunday was a whole display on roses from around the world like from Turkey. There were Orchids in the building as well and I did hear some music playing. Turns out it was rehearsals for world youth day on Monday I think it was. They had plants from South Africa and even from parts of Australia that had certain temperatures. While wandering amongst the roses several youngish guys were loudly high fiving each other thinking they were so cool as they just wanted to hear the skin of their hands slap together. I loudly uttered what wankers they were and that they were a bunch of sepos (Americans). They were not heard from again as they quickly walked off as they had obviously heard me, which was intended. They were white, so I assumed they were Yanks by how they acted as they were not Aussies as they would have commented back. We did realise after a while that we had missed some spots towards where we had walked in. The part we had missed were all to do with desert plants and succulents especially about how they survived from being eaten like how they would look like a stone, had spines or even look like they were dead. We ended up finishing there and were happy that it was cool inside. We walked out through the gift shop and got something for lunch.


After sitting and having a little bit of lunch, we went into the other attraction we had booked to walk into. That was the Cloud Forest. It was another cool area that was temperature controlled. On entry we were greeted by a huge waterfall with people above it and in the middle. This was all part of the structure of the cloud forest. As we walked, we came across a whole section to do with Orchids literally. At this rate my phone will be very full of flowers and I am going to take it literally. I have by now several hundred photos of Orchids and flowers. There are orchids from Cambodia specifically from the Angkor Wat area. I was happy to wander along taking photos and having an Orchid guide tell me if they have that exact one at home or not. We could catch a lift to the top floor of the forest and then work our way down through the walk way. Luckily it was all under cover or else it would have been pretty humid. There were many plants associated with the forest including Orchids, and even the plants that eat insects. Throughout there were carvings of animals including spiders. I thought it was interesting and crowded, I should say there were plenty of people there. We eventually made our way to the bottom as we walked behind the waterfall. There was a lower garden called a secret garden, but that wasn’t very secret and even had mini orchids. I would say that it was worth coming here today when we could have turned around due to the weather. We did end up in the gift shop looking for things that would grab our interest and they did do that..


At the time we walked out, we decided to call it a day and headed back to the room. Though after a little bit of a rest, I went for a wander to get some food and had a look around at some of the back streets. I walked where I had been last time I was in Singapore and think some of the shops had changed including the hotel I stayed in as there were two Hotel 88s in the street. The airforce were doing their practice runs in formation as well. I did bring back food and came across some other things in one of the shops. If only we had a microwave or even a bigger fridge then we could store more things. Its scary how there is a whole foodie type culture here and many seem to be open all night, but that would suit anyone especially for snacks.

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