Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Middle Earth Day 6 Wellington to Waiouru with a cold snap

Middle Earth Day 6 Wellington to Waiouru with a cold snap

Wednesday is the day that I head towards Waiouru the town that has the New Zealand Army Museum. The one place I have been wanting to visit for a while since I kept passing the town on the bus going north or south. Today I woke up and I was actually feeling a little cold and I think the weather had tuned a little bit as it had not been raining during the day and had been pretty warm where I had no need to wear a jacket so far. The weather did seem like it was getting a little fresh.

I had been asked the night before if I had been hiking as I had been getting up early in the morning. I don’t think 730am is that early to get up and vanish for most of the day. The people in the room kept me up til around 1am and I was wanting to get up at 6am. That was early enough to be moving around and annoying the other guys trying to sleep. I knew my mission was o get to the other side of Wellington to the train station. I did walk all that way especially when I was able to do so by memory and plus I knew what the building looks like from a distance. Once I was there the next thing to do was to have a meal as I had not had breakfast yet. The time was slowly getting closer to catching the bus and when I had my meal I seen a bus on the other side of the station that looked like mine. Quickly eating breakfast I went out to the bus and it was actually the bus I had been wanting to catch.

The bus trip wasn’t actually too bad and since it was a double decker bus that was heading to Auckland. I had finished reading the book that I had going since I had left home. I do want to read more of the Vampire Academy series and its better than Twilight. I was surprised that the weather had turned nasty and was raining part of the way up the coast. I was enjoying the sights along the way like stopping at Bulls and Foxton though that town is something I would like to look into a little bit more. The rain had stopped for a little while when we stopped at Flat Hills cafe where I shouldn’t really have bought a coffee and I was hoping it had not started when I was stopped at Waiouru. It was funny that once I had gotten off the bus it wasn’t even cold until after I had visited the loo. My next thought as it always seem to be when I am going to find where I am going to stay. I was guessing since I had once seen a map and knowing the direction could be right I headed there. After a couple of minutes I had found my nose was right in finding the place and I was able to book myself in. Turns out it is meant to be snowing sometime and the guy in the office didn’t like me saying that I had never seen snow fall before.

Once I had settled in I made sure I was wearing something warmer like my jacket and half way to the army museum it started raining and then my hands were cold. I wanted to get somewhere warmer especially since I was outside the army museum and didn’t want to get any colder looking at the stuff outside including the tanks. Once inside I found my way to the library and archives where I spoke to one of the ladies about doing research on objectors, Boar War and the 24th battalion in WWII. I should think of more to look up and see where I go. The information on the Home Guard is interesting since they basically looked after the things at home like the actual armed forces, but were really volunteers who handled the weaponry and watches on the coast line in case of invasion. The library was interesting as I did see a few books about Australia in Vietnam or Boar War. Though really interesting was the American Civil War as there was a huge stack of those. I was reading and looking at the pictures until just before the museum closed and I did tell them I will be back the next day to look up some more stuff after having a wander through the museum though I think I would still be hanging around the day after as well. Still need a list of what I would like to have.
It was still raining once I had left the museum and I was happy to finally head back to the motel. I did find that my brolly seems to leak from the top as somehow the top of my hat was wet. Though after the shower I went back out for dinner to see what I wanted. I think there is just enough in the town for me to keep out of trouble especially if it is raining. I am hoping to get some clear sky so I can take pictures of the hills especially of the famous mountain called Mt Ruapehu. I don’t mind some snow if its not too cold.

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